Michelle De La Isla knows what it means to fight with grit. She’s been homeless, survived domestic violence, she’s a single mother, and has struggled to make ends meet. 

Her story is familiar to so many people--in Kansas, where she’s the Mayor of the capital city, and here in Massachusetts. She’s running for Congress in KS-02 because too often, these stories aren’t represented around tables in Washington. 

With just 4 days left until Election Day, will you contribute $5, $10, $25, or $50 to elect Democrats like Michelle down the ballot, across the country? Your contribution will be split between Michelle De La Isla and the MassDems.

This year’s coordinated campaign has been all about maximizing your efforts where you’ll have the most impact, both in down-ballot races in Massachusetts and in priority swing states and districts across the country. 

To take back the White House, flip the Senate, and expand our majority in the House, we need to turn out voters in purple districts like Michelle’s. Over 700 Massachusetts volunteers have hit the phones for Democrats in battleground states through our program. I’m asking you to pitch-in with a contribution in the final stretch. 

Will you chip in whatever makes sense for you right now to elect Democrats from the State House to the White House this November? Your contribution will be split between Michelle De La Isla and the Massachusetts Democratic Party. 

Andy Vargas
State Representative
3rd Essex District, Massachusetts
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