We need everyone signed up to phone bank and lit drop in this last push.

Julie Oliver for Congress

Team, I'll keep it super short.

We're seeing record turnout in Texas. Our campaign is poised to unseat a corrupt GOP incumbent and send Julie -- an everyday Texan fighting for healthcare for every Texan, better jobs, and a clean energy future -- to Congress.

Our job right now is to make sure we're turning out our voters. That's it. And we need to run up the score. These huge Early Vote numbers are good news, but remember that in Texas, Election Day vote totals historically tend to favor Republicans. So it's critical that we keep the pedal to the metal until the polls close at 7pm on Tuesday. I don't want to wake up on November 4 thinking that I could have done more, and I know you don't either.

We've got phone banks happening multiple times a day, and lit drops happening all over the district. I'm asking you to dig deep and to sign up for a shift every day until Election Day.

Make sure you've joined us in Slack, and click below to see what shifts are available.

Events near: xxxxxx

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Join a Phonebank or Virtual Event
Online - RSVP for Invite Link

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Contact-less, No Knock Lit Drops
All over TX-25

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Remember: we can't have conversations at the door. So these lit drops and phone calls are vitally important.

If voters know who Julie is, she wins. 

4 days. Let's make history.

Adam Hughes

Field Director 
Julie Oliver for Congress