Look, John: I get it. A campaign manager saying "you should really vote for my boss" doesn't necessarily pack a huge punch, endorsement-wise.

But let me tell you why I'd be supporting Denny no matter what, and see if I can give you a sense of the Denny I know.

I was in my first year of college when Donald Trump was elected. And as someone with chronic, complex preexisting conditions that require costly treatment on a regular basis, I understood that Trump's relentless attacks on the Affordable Care Act were also an attack on me. Without the ACA's protections for people with preexisting conditions, I would never be able to get the care I need.

So, when Denny's district director asked if I'd share my health care story with the Congressman, I eagerly accepted.

That conversation changed everything. Denny listened –really listened­– to me in a way very few people ever had. And he promised that he'd never stop fighting for me and the hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians who'd be cut off from the care we need if the ACA was overturned.

Denny's kept his word on that, John; he's emerged as one of Congress's toughest and most dependable fighters to expand access to quality, affordable health care. But there's so much more.

In the years since, Denny has become an incredible mentor and friend. When I was considering a run for president of the student body at the University of Washington, I called Denny for advice. ("I'll support you no matter what you decide," he told me, "but if you run away from this, I reserve the right to tease you about it later.") And when I won, he was always available to offer advice or a word of support (unless we were playing against his Gonzaga basketball team that night).

Denny and Me at Graduation

And when Denny was thinking about running for LG, he called me for advice.(I gave him the same line about teasing – which, I have to tell you, felt great) And again, he really listened to my opinion – asking follow up questions, weighing what-ifs, and finally, asking me to manage the campaign.

While I think we'll all be glad when the election's over, the last few months have been extraordinary.In a world where experienced men don't always do a good job listening to young women, Denny stands out for his open-mindedness and unwavering goodwill. He's always had my back, trusted my judgment, and supported my decisions.

All of this started because "the Congressman wanted to hear my story." But that's the thing with Denny; no one he meets is just a story or a data point or a statistic. He fights as hard as he does because he never loses sight of thepeoplewho are counting on him to deliver.

That's the kind of compassionate, committed leadership Washingtonians deserve, John. And that's why I'm glad to be part of this movement with you.


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