Guess how much they just spent to attack Stephen?

Stephen Daniel for Congress 2020


If you’ve been following our race, you probably know that while Stephen is running a grassroots campaign without a single dime of corporate PAC money, his incredibly partisan Republican opponent is propped up by corporations from Valero Oil to Comcast to Lockheed Martin to Walmart -- so we know who he wants to represent in Washington. We also know North Texans are sick of being sidelined. That’s why this race is so close in the polls.

So close, in fact, that even Wall Street billionaires are starting to sweat. After spending $32,000 last week on a mail piece claiming Stephen was coming to literally burn down our houses, Ron’s buddies at Club for Growth (a Super PAC funded by the Koch Brothers and their friends) just spent ANOTHER $170,000 on TV ads to spread more lies and fear mongering throughout the district. That’s more money than Ron’s campaign has in their bank account.


They know that Ron won’t win on his own merits and they’re getting desperate. With your help, we’ve been getting the word out about Stephen and giving voters a better choice for honest, transparent representation we can trust. (At this point, we trust Ron to serve Texans just about as far as we can throw him.)

The difference between our campaign and Ron’s is that we’re not running this campaign on dirty attack money from special interest groups. We’re not running on lies and fear and hate. Stephen is running to tackle the problems big and small that North Texans face everyday. Ron is running scared to hide behind his friends.

It’s time to elect a leader who’s going to prioritize the interests of Texans, not divisive politics and billionaire dark-money groups. Pitch in $6 to elect a leader who will bring integrity back to Washington >>>

Thanks for your support,

Team Daniel



Stephen Daniel is the Democratic Nominee for Congress in TX-06 to unseat Ron Wright. Stephen understands we deserve a leader in Congress who shares that vision: a community where opportunity is available for young and old and where hard work is rewarded. Please join him by making a donation to his campaign today.