To succeed in this final phase of the campaign, we need your help to call and text voters and make sure they have a plan to vote.

Julie Oliver for Congress

Team, I'll keep this brief! We have just six days left to turn the incredible momentum we see in TX-25 into votes for Julie. 

Texans are already smashing turnout records before Election Day. As of last night, Travis County just hit 470,535 votes cast, surpassing its 2016 TOTAL of 468,720 votes cast a full week before Election Day.

But we need to make sure we're turning out our voters. And with early voting ending on Friday, we're going to need to pivot fast toward making sure folks are ready to cast their ballots next Tuesday.

To succeed in this final phase of the campaign, we need your help to get out the vote. Can you commit to a GOTV shift (or two) this week? Even if you don't live in TX-25, you can call and text voters from wherever you are:

Events near: xxxxxx

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Join a Phonebank or Virtual Event
Online - RSVP for Invite Link

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Contact-less, No Knock Lit Drops
All over TX-25

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Remember: we can't have conversations at the door because we want to keep everyone safe.

Making phone calls to voters is the most critical way to continue having person-to-person conversations. With the "Julie Dialer" specifically, our callers can make thousands of calls in a shift. 

When voters know who Julie is, she wins. Six days. Let's work hard and not leave anything to chance.

Adam Hughes
Field Director
Julie Oliver for Congress

P.S. If you can't commit to a volunteer shift or two this week, there's still another way to help. Please consider chipping in $5 or more to help cover the cost of our literature and organizing tools.