Here's the situation — we just checked the numbers, and we're just 873 donations away from reaching the 12,743 donations we need today. Contribute to Steve Bullock's campaign right now to close the gap and help us win this election:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We know we set a lot of fundraising goals and send a lot of emails asking for money. The truth is, our campaign is counting on grassroots contributions to win.

Unlike our opponent, we don't have corporate interest groups in our corner. What we do have is a scrappy — but powerful — group of everyday folks like you, and the opportunity to make a real difference for Montana.

Right now polls show this race is in a statistical tie. But our opponents' attacks are getting bigger, louder, and nastier, and they won't let up over the final week of this election.

That's why this fundraising goal is so important — we need the funds to fight back, set the record straight and send Steve Bullock to the U.S. Senate. Chip in any amount to help reach our goal:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Let's do this.

— Team Bullock