This is low, even for them. Help us fight back.

Stephen Daniel for Congress 2020


Ron Wright and his dark money supporters are getting desperate.

Enough with the fearmongering, extremism, and lies. Help us fight back by rushing a contribution of $6 for TX-06 >>>

See for yourself the garbage Ron Wright’s backers are spreading across our district:

Ron Wright's dark money supporters are spreading lies about Stephen.

The mailer is so ridiculous it would almost be funny if it wasn’t yet another reminder of everything broken in our country today. Texans are sick of the lies, division, fearmongering, and hatred. And this extremism and willingness to say or do anything to stay in power starts at the very top, with Donald Trump. And it spreads when Trump’s enablers like Ron Wright do nothing to stand up for the truth or basic decency.

But apparently being a yes-man pays well. No wonder an extremist, pro-Trump group is willing to funnel big money — from California of all places — to support Trump lackey Ron Wright.

Ron Wright doesn’t work for us. He works for Donald Trump and big special interests on both coasts — leaving Texans out to dry for too damn long.

Enough is enough.

Stephen got in this race to end the partisan extremism and dirty politics that Texans hate. But we’re up against out-of-state dark money and big special interests. Rush a donation now to elect a leader who will bring integrity and decency back to Congress >>>


Thanks for taking a stand with us,

Sean Reed
Organizing Director



Stephen Daniel is the Democratic Nominee for Congress in TX-06 to unseat Ron Wright. Stephen understands we deserve a leader in Congress who shares that vision: a community where opportunity is available for young and old and where hard work is rewarded. Please join him by making a donation to his campaign today.