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Hello there!!

The weather is definitely getting cooler, which means it's the perfect time for a temperature check: how are you feeling about the election? Let us know on this strawpoll.

We are incredibly thankful for all of the work that you have done this election season. No matter how the results turn out, you should be satisfied that you have done what you could to affect your community. After all, this election is not the end. When you pass sex ed for the state, elect Black women, question your elected officials at panels and town halls, and encourage people who don't usually vote to vote, you make a lasting change that will effect far beyond just this one election.

So, thank you. See you all on the other side.
In This Issue

1. Track Your Ballot
2. Weekly Monday Phonebank (🎶 One Last Time 🎶)
3. Help Oust the Republicans in the 31st LD
4. See Congresswoman Delbene in a Halloween Costume
5. Support a Solidarity Budget for Seattle
Screenshot of the KC Elections Site Ballot Tracker
After you vote, it's not over. Here in Washington State we have a history of close elections so click the link below after you've voted to make sure your ballot is received, and there are no errors with it. Errors can be solved simply, but can be lead to your vote not counting if you don't take care of it! Track your ballots progress by clicking the link, logging in, and clicking track my ballot.
Make Sure It's Counted
You know the drill!
This will be our last weekly phonebank, and we'll likely be taking it a little chill. We'll be making calls, but we'll also spend some time unwinding and socializing. So join us with your favorite hot beverage and chat and connect with other KCYD members and phonebankers!

KCYD Events Director Nicole Palczewski and KCYD Communications Director Yuan Tao will both be at the event, if you want to chat or have questions!
Clipart of hot beverage
Date and Time:
Monday, November 2nd, 5 - 8p
RSVP for the Zoom Link
Header: Support Young & Clark With the 31st LD
Join KCYD & the 31st LD Democrats supporting Young & Clark for State House. 10/30 5-8PM; Register at
Did you think that there weren’t any opportunities left to take on Republicans here in King County? You would be wrong! Come join the King County Young Democrats and the 31st LD Democrats as we unite to support Thomas Clark and young Democrat Katie Young who are running against the last two Republican State House members who represent a part of King County.
Join us on Oct 30th from 5-8pm as we support these two amazing candidates.
RSVP for Zoom Link
Header: Team Delbene Halloween Phone Bank
Team Delbene Halloween Phone Bank Saturday October 31 4PM - 7PM; RSVP at link below & wear a costume!
What's better then wearing a funky fresh costume on Halloween? Seeing your elected officials in a funky fresh halloween costume and helping elect democrats! Join Congresswoman Suzan DelBene as we make calls to help elect Democrats in our Halloween Spirit. The one time of year where you can Boo and Vote :)
RSVP for Zoom Link
Header: #SolidarityBudget For Seattle
King County Young Democrats are proud to sign onto the effort to pass a Solidarity Budget for Seattle. This work is essential to continue the efforts over the summer to fight systemic racism and anti-blackness.

If you live in Seattle, we urge you to contact the Seattle City Council and Mayor Durkan to support calls to reinvest SPD funds in BIPOC communities. It's as easy as filling out this form letter. When you're done, ask your friends to fill it out too - this is a crucial time period where city leaders are listening to the public for feedback on the proposed budget, and they need to be pressured into doing the right thing.
Contact Seattle City Leaders
Want to do more? Even more effective than sending a sternly worded letter is saying it directly to their faces. If you want to sign up to give public testimony at a city council meeting, there are organizers that will help you and coach you every step of the way.
Think you have nothing to contribute? That's where you're wrong! Check out what people have said within the last couple of weeks and notice how impressive it is that over 100 people showed up to make a comment. Just your presence is enough to help pressure Seattle City Council, so sign up today!
Sign Up to Give Public Testimony
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King County Young Democrats
210 E Blaine Street, #104
Seattle, WA 98102

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