Silicon Valley DSA Newsletter
Silicon Valley DSA Newsletter
Silicon Valley DSA. Branches: Lower Peninsula, San Jose

Hi John!

In the spirit of Monday’s celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we at SV DSA want to take a moment to acknowledge the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, whose ancestors were part of the Ohlone people and suffered under three waves of colonization and genocide, including the state-sponsored genocide at the founding of the U.S. state of California. We encourage you to read more about the Amah Mutsun Land Trust, who are working to restore the Mutsun people and their knowledge to better conserve and protect these lands.

Our Ecosocialist Working Group has supported the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band on a campaign to protect the sacred site of Juristac from capitalist destruction. If you’re interested in supporting this campaign and other urgent ecosocialist campaigns like the fight to nationalize PG&E, come to the next Ecosocialist Working Group meeting today at 7-8:30 pm.

Coming up: our October Chapter Meeting is this Sunday 2-4pm. We’re dedicating our October Chapter Meeting to plan our post-election strategies, regardless of what happens in November. Be sure to RSVP!

In Solidarity,
Your SV DSA Newsletter Team 🌹

Silicon Valley DSA is your local volunteer-run chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.


DSA is every week!

Join us for our weekly Chapter Work Sessions! We’re setting aside this time to collaborate on SV DSA projects. If you’re just getting involved in the fight for socialism and want to help, this is the perfect time to call in. The next chapter working session is Oct 25 from 2-4pm. Register here.

DSA 100k - Get a Free DSA Hat!

DSA is growing. We need your help to get to 100k members! Register here to get your unique recruitment link. When three comrades join DSA using your link, you’ll get a free DSA hat (choice of two designs) to show your pride.

Mutual Aid

The Mutual Aid Working Group is having another round of fundraisers, and we need a lot help with promoting these events and creating graphics! With no federal COVID aid package in sight, community-based aid is more critical than ever. Donate to our Mutual Aid Fund today!

Our next fundraiser will be a 4-part music making class that teaches people the basics of composing music through BandLab. BandLab is a free app that anyone can download. The class is free, but we're asking people to donate a $10 - $25 class "fee" to the mutual aid fund if they can. The classes are Saturdays, from 4:30-5:30pm, on Oct 24, Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 14.

Defund the Police

Updates from Redwood City

On 10/5, Redwood City held a Policing & Racial Equity Study Session to review feedback received over six community dialogue sessions, and the City Council’s takeaways were disappointing. Like in other Bay Area cities, citizens have consistently demanded defunding the police. However, the City Council continues to ignore the majority of comments from their residents. Instead, they tone-policed participants and praised the "peaceful" fascist rally attendees a few weeks ago.

San Jose Police Targeting Activists

Bay Area police departments continue to abuse and target activists who have been participating in actions to defund the police. A comrade from HERO Tent was arrested without being served a warrant--and had their bail set at $500,000. (The maximum bail for vandalism in Santa Clara county is usually $10,000, but that has been adjusted to $0 since the COVID-19 pandemic started.) The DA eventually declined to file charges, but this doesn’t erase the time they spent unjustly jailed. We encourage DSA members to continue to follow this story and to support the Jail Fund organized by HERO Tent’s founder.

ICE & Rapid Response Training

These past 3 weeks we have received disturbing news about plans for ICE enforcement throughout California. ICE is expanding “expedited removal” enforcement, and Santa Clara County has already begun to see an uptick in local arrests of community members. The Rapid Response Network is offering rapid responder trainings and refresher trainings on what you can do if ICE is in your neighborhood.

Labor Working Group

The SV DSA Labor Working Group will be hosting a panel on worker co-ops and social justice on October 17 from 3-4pm. Panelists will include members of local co-ops Slice of New York and Red Hen Collective, as well as Human Agenda.

SV DSA Voter Guide

Wondering how to fill out your ballot? Check out our SV DSA Voter Guide!

Our endorsed candidates need your help as a volunteer. Sign up to help get democratic socialists elected to office:

Also, congratulations to Alex Lee for receiving an endorsement from Bernie Sanders!

Upcoming Events

For upcoming events, check out our calendar!

DSA is a membership organization. As a member, you can vote at our local meetings and run for leadership roles. We are funded by voluntary dues, but no donation is required to join.

Let's build socialism together!

Join DSA!

(or renew your membership)


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Copyright © 2020 Silicon Valley DSA.
1346 The Alameda Ste 7-84. San Jose 95126-2699.