Hey, it’s Cecilia, your friendly neighborhood Finance Director.

As Mike explained to you earlier, our campaign’s very last FEC close of books deadline before Election Day is tonight at midnight. That means our grassroots donations from the first half of this month will get reported to the FEC and made public for everyone — including Cindy Hyde-Smith and her GOP donor network — to see one last time before the election.

While Mike and me (and everyone here on Team Espy) are humbled by the amount of money we’ve been able to raise in these last couple of months, the number we’re most proud of is $27. That’s our average online contribution from grassroots donors in Quarter 3.

You see, our campaign isn’t driven by big corporate donors or special interests. It’s fueled by folks pitching in what they can, when they can. And every single dollar has made a difference in some way, whether providing PPE to our volunteers, funding our Get Out the Vote program, or hiring more organizers. With your help, we are building the biggest statewide campaign Mississippi has ever seen. I mean, just look at this team!

But in order to keep growing, we need the resources to keep our efforts up and close our budget gap in these final three weeks. I know we are strong. We just need to demonstrate it when our pre-election FEC report drops. Let’s show how our campaign is powered by the people until the very end of this race.

With time running out, will you pitch in a contribution of $10 or anything you can afford to support Mike in the final three weeks of this race and put up big numbers for our final FEC deadline before Election Day?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for empowering us to run the biggest campaign Mississippi has ever seen. I hope to see your donation before we close the books at midnight!

Cecilia Criddle
Finance Director
Espy for Senate