Help us pay for Louie’s vacation.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


BIG NEWS: Hank’s newly produced television ad is now playing across East Texas — and we wanted you to be the first to know!

Our goal is to keep this ad running to spread our message however we can. But we can’t do it without you. Pitch in $25 today to Hank’s Media Fund to help his message reach every voter across Texas >>>

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Louie Gohmert would rather take a nice vacation to London, Cairo, and Jerusalem than focus on protecting our healthcare. Let’s do him a favor and help him retire early on November 3rd so he can travel to wherever he pleases.

With your help, we can make sure this ad stays on the air through November 3rd — and keep Louie running scared >>>

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Team Hank

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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank