Every day, it feels like the stakes can’t get any higher. The Presidency, the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House… the very future of our democracy and the progressive values we share. It’s all on the line.

I told you that our fight for bolder, stronger, and more present leadership wasn’t going to end on September 1st. That’s why I’m turning my attention to races that are giving Democrats the best chance to course correct after four horrific years of Donald Trump -- not to mention Mitch McConnell and a conservative judiciary.

Today, I’m writing to you in support of Mike Espy. Securing his victory could be what protects the Senate, our healthcare, and many other policies for our hardworking families.

I’m personally asking you to contribute and help in the final stretch. Together, we can make a difference. Click here to split a contribution between Mike and my PAC, which is used to support candidates and causes across the country.

To run as a Democrat in Mississippi requires a special kind of boldness, confidence, and bullishness for change – Mike Espy in a nutshell. When you lead with that kind of conviction, people get behind you, which is why Mike has seen a major boost in the last couple of weeks. He’s shown that he will work for voters at every level of government – from fighting for better resources for rural Mississippian students to serving as Secretary of Agriculture for President Bill Clinton, to receiving the highest number of votes of any Democrat running for Senate in the state in 30 years, in 2018. Let’s get Mike to Washington next year.

Mike is counting on you. Polling is showing the race is tightening up so I assure you this is where your dollars can have the biggest impact. Donate now.


We need leaders in the Senate who can meet this critical moment and will do more than the bare minimum. Leaders who will show up and fight by our communities’ sides for affordable healthcare, racial justice, climate action, and an economic future where every one of us gets a shot.

Thank you for your support and let’s go win!

With gratitude,
