Hi there, it’s U.S. Senator Tim Kaine here.

In a few minutes, I’m going to ask you to make a grassroots donation of $10 or more to Mike Espy’s surging grassroots campaign for U.S. Senate in Mississippi. But first, I want to tell you about a few things Mike and I have in common.

Mike Espy and I are both Southern state Democrats. We both play a musical instrument (I play harmonica, Mike plays violin). And we are both guided by our faith.

Growing up, my faith became a North Star for orienting my life. It has helped remind me, and so many others, that everybody deserves opportunity — no matter where they come from, how much money they have, or who they love.

Back in 1970 in Virginia, the Republican Governor Linwood Holton (my now father-in-law) was guided by these same values when he helped integrate Virginia’s public schools so Black and white kids would finally learn together. Governor Holton then sent his own kids, including his daughter Anne (my now wife), to those integrated schools.

That’s another thing Mike and I have in common: We both know that while the South has a difficult past to reckon with, we have made important strides forward on the path towards equality.

Mike and his sister integrated a public high school in Yazoo City, Mississippi in the late 60s. According to Mike, it was “the hardest thing [he’s] ever done.” In spite of that, Mike went on to become the first Black congressman elected in Mississippi since the Reconstruction era, and the first Black U.S. secretary of agriculture.

To this day, Mike Espy is a leader for the people who is guided by his faith. He is running for U.S. Senate to represent all Mississippians. His number one priority is health care, including defending the Affordable Care Act. And he is pushing to finally expand Medicaid in Mississippi — like Virginia did in 2019 — so that Mississippi can keep moving forward.

The good news is that Mike’s campaign for Senate has finally caught national attention. Mike is just one point behind in the polls. His campaign has been highlighted in The New York Times, on MSNBC, and all over the internet.

I know that with enough grassroots support to keep up a strong ground game and spread his message through TV, radio, and online ads, Mike Espy can win his election and flip this Senate seat.

So I’m asking: Will you please chip in $10 or more right now to help send Mike Espy to the U.S. Senate, where he’ll fight alongside me to keep moving our country forward? Tough races like this are won by people pitching in whatever they can, whenever they can, so I hope you’ll join me today.

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Thanks for all you’re doing,

Tim Kaine
U.S. Senator, Virginia