We have a real shot at doing this >>

The Washington Post: “Republicans face major head winds in final stretch to maintain Senate majority”

I have great news: The Washington Post reports that there’s a “troubling outlook” for Republicans’ chances of maintaining control of the Senate. Even Leader Mitch McConnell says they only have a “50-50” chance of holding the Majority.

Washington Republicans are scared -- that’s why McConnell-affiliated outside groups are spending $110 million in the final weeks of the election as they desperately try to defend their Majority.

The Senate Majority is within reach, including key races in the West but McConnell and the National GOP are trying to drown us out with special-interest cash. Every dollar we raise for the Southwest Leadership Fund goes toward helping Democrats fight back and flip the Senate this November. If you can, will you chip in today?

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Our fight to flip the Senate is more important than ever.

President Trump recently ordered McConnell to “focus full time” on rushing through a Supreme Court nominee with only 22 days until Election Day.

And it’s all so Trump, McConnell, and Washington Republicans can eliminate the Affordable Care Act and take away health care from 20 million Americans -- in the middle of a pandemic.

The American people can afford to wait any longer for relief aid.

Democrats have been ready to take action on COVID-19 legislation for months but Trump has given mixed signals and even told McConnell to “stop negotiating until after the election.” We need to elect leaders who will put Americans first -- not their own political agendas.

We’re fighting to give Democrats the resources they need so they can take back the Majority and put the Senate back to work for the American people. If you can, will you chip in to the Southwest Leadership Fund today?

Thank you,


Paid for by Udall for Us All

PO BOX 25766 Albuquerque, NM 87125

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