Hey DC Dems!


After the craziness of the last two days, I thought it was important to give you an update from Downriver about our work and the next 24 days until election day. 


We narrowly won in 2016 in the same year that Trump won my district by 12%, and won re-election in 2018 by a more comfortable margin. With Trump at the top of the ticket this time, we are taking nothing for granted in my race and are working hard to ensure we outperform him and any potential coattail effect his being on the ticket might provide my opponent. However, our electorate is more polarized than before and polling indicates that Trump will likely win my district again.


Just this week - - the day the FBI thwarted a planned violent coup against the Gov and our state government - - my opponent posted a video saying that we are "victims" of Governor Whitmer and that she has been "out of control" -- only furthering dangerous rhetoric that inflames already dangerous levels of anti-government and anti-Democratic emotions. 


He is unfit for service. 


That being said, we need to do more paid media than we had planned in order to overcome this polarized climate. The Trump signs are out in full force across my district, but we can and will win when we get my message across to my community. 

Can you help out and make a contribution today? We're hoping to raise an additional $15-20K to increase our TV, digital,and mail budget to close out this election.


You've been such big supporters of mine in the past. Can you help us get this win for Downriver again?


Thanks so much -


P.S. - Check out our re-election video!

Darrin Q. Camilleri