Decade after decade, we've protected the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from devastating oil drilling. Decade after decade, we've been part of the national movement to keep Big Oil's machines out of ANWR.

That all could end very, very soon. Donald Trump has given the green light, and his Interior Secretary has confirmed that preparations to auction off drilling leases "by the end of the year," a move that overturns six decades of protections for the Arctic Refuge. It's an incredible, audacious giveaway to Big Oil.

All because they want to extract every possible amount of profit they can from one of the last, purest spots in our country, home to wildlife and longstanding Native populations.

We are facing a climate crisis that threatens humanity. Climate chaos is causing raging wildfires, destructive wildfires, urban flooding, drought and famine. More oil drilling is the wrong answer. Especially in a place as sensitive as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Sign the petition: tell the Trump administration that our country's natural legacy should not be for sale to Big Oil.

Tell Trump to stop oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Sign the Petition


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