As I sat down to write this e-mail, I wasn't sure what the theme should be:

Sharpiegate? The fact that private businesses are taking the lead in gun violence reduction because our federal government won't? Trump diverting $3.6 billion from the military to build his wall?

But then I realized: My policies are not red or blue; they are evidence based.

Because I believe in facts.

  • Climate change is affecting our quality of life and destroying our planet. But we know ways to start reducing that harm right now.
  • We need to repeal the Dickey Amendment to allow the CDC to study gun violence.
  • We need real, comprehensive immigration reform.  The numbers don't lie.  They show that immigrants make our country and our economy stronger.

Evidence has driven every decision I have, and that belief will go with me to DC.  If you believe in facts, if you believe that we need change in DC, I need your help.

Can you donate today?


Dr. John Biggan

Candidate for Congress TX-24

Paid for by Biggan for Congress
