My opponent? She's really into Donald Trump. Really into Donald Trump.

I'm going to keep this brief, but it's worth mentioning: she runs her Twitter account just like Trump, full of bitterness, hatred, and downright lies.

She rants and raves about "Democrat ran [sic] cities" and says Democrats "hate our country."

She calls Black Lives Matter a "marxist terrorist organization" and supports QAnon – an extremist group that exploits exploited children and hijacked the horrific crime of child sex trafficking by twisting it into a sick conspiracy theory to help Trump.

She defends the officers who shot Breonna Taylor and retweets photos that call RBG an "opponent of the Constitution.".

And that was all just in the last few weeks.

Here's the bottom line: my opponent wants to be a rubber stamp for Trump's greedy, special-interests first agenda, but she also wants to help Trump spread his racism and lies here in Massachusetts.

Decency is on the ballot this November. Will you help me send a strong message that her bitter, divisive, and dishonest campaign isn't welcome here?

I'm running to be a progressive voice for Central and Western Massachusetts, and I'm asking for your generous grassroots support as we approach this final end-of-quarter fundraising deadline before the election.


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