This is an emergency.

Stephen Daniel for Congress 2020

Team —

One week after the election, the Supreme Court will hear a case that argues the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional.

We don’t have to guess how Amy Coney Barrett, Donald Trump’s pick to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, will vote. She already told us.

Stephen Daniel on Facebook: The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case on the Affordable Care Act 1 week after the November election. Amy Coney Barrett does not support the ACA. If confirmed, she will most likely vote to invalidate the ACA, ripping insurance away from millions and ending coverage for pre-existing conditions.

And we know what Ron Wright will do - he’s voted against protections for pre-existing conditions and opposes the ACA. Rush $6 to help me defeat him in November >>>

If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, conservative justices on the Court will finally have the votes they need to gut the ACA.

21 million Americans will lose their healthcare.

Insurance companies will once again be able to deny coverage to the 54 million Americans with pre-existing conditions they deem “uninsurable.”

Insurance companies will be able to charge the 133 million Americans with other pre-existing conditions exorbitant prices for premiums.

This is an emergency. It may be too late to stop Trump from installing Coney Barrett to the Court. But we must fight back with everything we have to beat Trump in November, flip the Senate, and expand our House majority.

I’m running for Congress because the government should work for the people, not the profits of big pharma and insurance companies. No American should have to choose between getting the care they need and putting food on the table. No American should be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Period.

We can’t go back. Rush a donation today to help me fight for Texans and healthcare in Washington >>>

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Thank you. Let’s do this.

Stephen Daniel



Stephen Daniel is the Democratic Nominee for Congress in TX-06 to unseat Ron Wright. Stephen understands we deserve a leader in Congress who shares that vision: a community where opportunity is available for young and old and where hard work is rewarded. Please join him by making a donation to his campaign today.