Hank wants to know if you’re in.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


With 39 days left before Election Day, it’s important for East Texans to hear Hank’s message and know what we’re fighting for. But the only way we can reach out to unregistered voters is with the power and support of grassroots donors like you.

Our campaign is coming up on the most critical end-of-quarter fundraising deadline since the day Hank threw his hat in the ring against Louie. We have to come up with $75,000 before October 1st or face the possibility that everything we’ve fought for will be for nothing. Pitch in $5, $10, $15 or what you can to help us make the deadline and keep our momentum going strong >>>

This election is about more than just kicking the craziest congressman to ever serve East Texas out -- it’s about investing in good-paying jobs, funding quality education, accessing affordable healthcare, fighting for rural broadband, and bringing East Texas values to the halls of Congress.

Help us meet the deadline.

Now more than ever, we need your help to prove to East Texas that there’s still hope. We have a chance to bring about real change on November 3rd, but we can’t do it if we don’t make the fundraising numbers we need to keep us afloat in October >>>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

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It’s go time, y’all. Thanks for your support.

Team Hank

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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank