Look, friend, I’ve been in politics for a long time, and I know what it takes to win.

Take it from me: I've spent my career as a political analyst and strategist helping Democratic candidates get elected as governors, senators — and even president.

And Mike Espy has what it takes to win in Mississippi.

Just look where we’re at now: Mike started eight points down in this race to unseat right-wing Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith. Now, after a surge of grassroots support, a new poll shows him just one point behind.

But friend, polls don’t mean spit if we don’t organize, donate, volunteer, and mobilize voters like our lives depend on it during these final few weeks — because they do. 

While Mike may be just a point away in the polls today, we know Hyde-Smith has the backing of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his network of corporate PACs, and there’s no telling how much dark money they’re willing to pour into this race to defeat us.

I’ve known Mike a long time. Heck, we both worked for President Clinton! Mike is not just a good man, but a leader dedicated to properly dealing with the COVID-19 crisis and actually being there for the people he represents. And don’t forget health care. Mike is going to expand Medicaid. 

And I mean come on, his opponent dressed in a Confederate costume and made a joke about public hangings for crying out loud. Mississippians don’t need more of that. As my buddy James Carville would say, this race is about “change vs. more of the same.”

Today, we’re just six days away from September’s critical fundraising deadline, the second-to-last FEC deadline of this campaign, and I know Mike can really use your support to put in the work these final 40 days before Election Day. Can you donate $10 or more to keep the momentum going and help get Mike over the finish line?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks, and remember what I said: No matter what the polls say, keep fighting until the very end.

— Paul Begala