Breaking news: Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith and her campaign just launched their first political TV ads against Mike.

In the new ad, Hyde-Smith brags about representing “all Mississippians” and “getting things done.”

Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. We’re talking about a sitting senator who jokes about public hangings, considers the Confederacy “the best of Mississippi's history,” and voted to take away money from working families in the middle of a pandemic. That’s not somebody who should be representing us in 2020.

Hyde-Smith’s ad is proof that our 1-point race is growing even more competitive. The GOP is scared by our momentum here in Mississippi – that’s why Mitch McConnell is already helping her fundraise. Before long, Mitch will swoop in with his Super PAC dark money to fund even more ads against Mike. 

The GOP and Mitch McConnell are onto our campaign. That’s why I’m asking: Will you chip in $10 (or whatever you can right now)? We need the resources if we’re going to keep up our pace, protect our campaign against attacks, and elect Mike.


The appearance of Hyde-Smith’s new ad also means that the people of Mississippi will sooner hear from their sitting senator through a TV commercial before they actually hear from her in person. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.

Unlike Mike Espy, Hyde-Smith has held no town halls, no campaign events, and provided no opportunity to hear from her constituents either in person or online. Plus, she’s refused every invitation to debate and discuss the issues with Mike.

Sounds a lot like someone who thinks they can just coast by and stay in power by falling in line with Mitch McConnell and GOP leaders. But with your help, we’ll make sure that’s not the case on November 3.

So, with just one week until our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline, will you please chip in $10 right now? The GOP and Mitch McConnell will do everything they can to help Cindy defeat Mike, and we can’t afford to let that happen.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Let’s show Hiding Hyde-Smith that she can’t stay in hiding and expect to win this election — not with a leader like Mike taking her on.


Kendall W.
Research and Communications Director
Espy for Senate