Email from Paula Jean for West Virginia

“Before a Supreme Court justice is confirmed to a lifetime position on the bench, West Virginians and the American people should have the ability to weigh in at the ballot box this November. My position does not change with the naming of a nominee today.” 
That was Shelley Moore Capito’s statement in 2016, following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. 
This situation is scary, John. But we can’t let fear paralyze us from action. We have to retake the Senate in November. Period. 
Trump has surrounded himself with enablers and toadys. He has trashed the guardrails of our fragile democracy and flouted the rule of law. Now he’s about to seat a third right-wing justice on our highest court?
Let’s not forget that Justice Breyer is 82 years old. If Trump is re-elected, and we don’t get control of the Senate, and he gets to choose another conservative justice, say goodbye to healthcare and hello to more corporate handouts -- for a generation.
The damage that Mitch McConnell, Trump and the GOP are doing to this country is immeasurable. They must be stopped. Please help me flip this seat and retake the Senate.
I said this yesterday but I’ll say it again. We can win this race, but I need you with me every step of the way from now until Election Day.
If you can donate, please do so now. If you can’t do that, we need an army of volunteers to execute our digital outreach plan.  
There’s no time for despair, we’ve got work to do. With so much on the line, we must pull together for the sake of all our futures.
In solidarity,

Paula Jean 



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Paula Jean for West Virginia,
PO Box 1688, Sophia, WV, 25921
©2020 Paula Jean for West Virginia, all rights reserved.

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