I'll cut to the chase, friend.

Candace Valenzuela's race in TX-24 has emerged as one of the most consequential races in the country. This is our best shot to break the Republicans' decades-long grip in North Texas, and latest polling data even shows Candace with a narrow lead.

But Candace is being attacked and outspent on the airwaves by a Republican super PAC. I know the only way to fight back is through this powerful grassroots movement helping her team to hit their fundraising goals. Will you chip in $3 right away?
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You know me, folks.

I'm putting it all on the line to fight for working families against powerful special interests.

I need strong allies in our shared fight to hold corporations accountable, improve public schools, and expand family leave.

Candace has the background and experience that we need in Congress -- now more than ever. But she can’t win this race alone:

We have an unprecedented chance to flip this Texas seat, but not if the GOP's super PACs drown out our voices. Please pitch in now to help flip this seat from red to blue.

If you have saved your information with ActBlue express, your donation will process instantly. 

Thanks for everything,

Katie Porter