Hi Friend,
Believe it or not, Texas is a battleground state in 2020. I’m running for Congress in Texas’ 24th district, where just three points kept Democrats from flipping this seat in 2018. This year, the race is close, and grassroots support of our campaign is what will make the difference and turn this district blue. 

I know that Massachusetts Democrats don’t sit on the sidelines when the stakes are this high. With less than 50 days left, a donation from you would go a long way.

Can you chip in $5, $10, $25, or $50 today to elect Democrats in Massachusetts and in critical toss-up districts like mine? Your contribution will be split between my campaign and the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

My story is so familiar to so many people. I was born into a military family that struggled with money. I experienced homelessness as a child, I worked my way through high school and college, and when I became a mom, I knew we had to do better for our children. 

During this campaign, we’ve built a coalition of folks with stories like mine from all over the country, but my Trump-endorsed opponent has the GOP war chest on her side. We can take her on, and defeat Donald Trump in Texas too, but we need your help right now. 

I’ll ask once more: will you split a donation between my campaign and the Massachusetts Democratic Party today? Your contribution will go toward electing Democrats down the ballot across the country. 
Thank you for your support,

Candace Valenzuela
Democrat for Congress, TX-24
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