This week, my opponent Roger Williams released an ad on health care with a false claim about his record in Congress. We can’t let him get away with it.

Julie Oliver for Congress


This week, my opponent Roger Williams released an ad on health care with demonstrably false claims about his record in Congress: 

"Roger Williams has worked in Congress to ensure those with pre-existing conditions have access to health insurance."

Does he think Texans are stupid? This is an absolute lie. He has never taken a vote in the House that would support people with pre-existing conditions having access to health care. 

It’s clear: Roger Williams doesn't want you to do your research to find out that he's voted more than 50 times in the last seven and a half years to gut the health care of millions of Americans, and that includes at least 10 votes that explicitly eliminated protections for Texans with pre-existing conditions. And I can promise you this: We're not going to let him get away with it.

We're hoping to raise $10,000 into our Rapid Response Fund by midnight tonight so we can tell the truth about Roger Williams’ record to voters in TX-25 with new digital ads. Can you rush a donation right now? It is so important for us to respond ASAP.


I’m angry. Hell, I'm pissed. Roger Williams knows these votes have made him vulnerable, so he's doing whatever he can to make up some ground.

But I would never begrudge him the health care he needs or the health care his family needs. We all deserve health care, and we can absolutely provide it to everyone in the wealthiest nation in the world — the United States of America.

I've said it from day one: I got into this fight because my son Brack is a walking pre-existing condition. I will fight for him every day that I can breathe and will fight for the hundreds of thousands of people in our district to be able to live their lives with dignity and health care coverage.

Roger Williams is using the pain of what everybody is experiencing living through a pandemic so that he can make sure that he gets elected another two years to do another two years of nothing but enriching himself and his donors. It's not acceptable.

Roger Williams shows us time and time again that he's incapable of making the right decision when it comes to the folks of TX-25. And together, we are going to send him back to Weatherford in November.

Rush a donation toward our $10,000 Rapid Response Fund goal by midnight tonight so we can harness this anger into real action right now.

TX-25 deserves so much better — and I'm going to fight like hell to make sure this district gets it.

Thank you for always having my back,
