Let’s give Louie the boot on Nov. 3rd.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


It seems that being a failed Congressman isn’t Louie Gohmert’s only accomplishment. He did just as poor of a job as a state district judge. According to Texas Monthly and a Longview News-Journal opinion column, Louie played a major role in the infamous Edward Ates murder trial over two decades ago:

“Louie presided over an all-white jury trial that convicted a black man of murder despite no physical evidence linking him to the crime. Instead, Gohmert allowed the false testimony of a jailhouse snitch planted by the prosecution to convict Ates.”

This resulted in a 99-year prison sentence for Ates for which he served 20 years behind bars before finally being exonerated. Think about that for a minute -- 20 years of somebody’s life down the drain because of this bozo.

Louie failed Texas as a district judge and he’s failed us as a congressman. Pitch in $15 to help us get rid of Gohmert on November 3rd >>>

Louie isn't just dumb. He's evil. Let's hold him accountable >>>

Here’s the bottom line -- Louie is a hypocrite. He’s tried to cancel the Democratic party for “racism,” and denounced the Black Lives Matter movement while keeping this fiasco stored away. Well, all of that changes now.

It’s no wonder the man is so quick to attack these issues -- he’s part of the problem. Now it’s time for us to get rid of this problem by kicking him out on November 3rd. Let’s hold Louie accountable and make sure he never gets a chance to ruin anybody’s life again >>>

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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank