Public schools in Texas and around the nation are beginning to reopen. Students, teachers and staff are returning to classrooms, which exposes them to the risk of contracting and spreading the coronavirus.

We have seen reports of schools reopening and immediately seeing spikes in coronavirus cases, even when they are alternating student attendance to lower daily capacity. Our schools need adequate resources in order to return to the classroom safely. This includes proper disinfectants, sanitizers, hand soap and face coverings, and the ability to social distance.

But because schools are not adequately funded, our notoriously underpaid teachers are paying out-of-pocket for personal protective equipment, in addition to supplies they already pay for, in order to fortify their classrooms, support remote learning and keep themselves and their students safe.

We cannot ask our nation’s 3.5 million teachers to put their health at risk by returning to work and to foot the bill while the federal government fails to provide the means and relief needed to protect our students and educators.

Sign our petition demanding funding for our public schools so we can protect our students, educators, staff and their families as they return to the classroom.

Henry is working to secure funds for public schools in Texas and nationwide so they have the best chance at opening while keeping students, educators and their families safe.

Our educators, students, and school staff deserve all of the safety and protection from the pandemic that we can provide them. Sign our petition to demand federal funding for our public schools now.

– Team Cuellar