Email from Paula Jean for West Virginia

John -- 2020 has certainly been a year of ups and downs. But we are ready for November. Team Paula Jean has consolidated support and solidified a path to victory. 

There is no stopping us!  

Historically, Labor Day is the point at which many people begin tuning in to the election. That means we have a real opportunity to capture the attention of the 21% of undecided voters and let them know about Paula’s vision for West Virginia and the country.   

We’re now at the eight week mark, and November will be here in the blink of an eye. Show your support by chipping in $8 today and keep this grassroots movement fueled to November!

As we gather more momentum in the next few weeks, excitement will build, and we’ll need to dig even deeper to hit our targets and reach all those undecided voters we need to win.  

That’s why your support has never been more critical, John. Can you chip in now and help us flip this seat?

Over the next eight weeks, we’ll be here every step of the way, giving it all we’ve got. 

And we can’t thank you enough for being here with us, and for sharing Paula’s vision for a better future. 

Let’s do this! 

Team Paula Jean



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Paula Jean for West Virginia,
PO Box 1688, Sophia, WV, 25921
©2020 Paula Jean for West Virginia, all rights reserved.

Paid for by Paula Jean for West Virginia

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