In 2008, I lived on minimum wage.  I had two roommates, a car that was old, but paid off, and I worked as many hours as they would let me.  At the end of the month, I often had less than $1 in my bank account.

That was bad.  You know what's even worse?  

The minimum wage hasn't been raised since then.  It's been over a decade.  

Why? Because we have representation that doesn't believe people need to be properly compensated for their hard work.

I believe that we need to raise the federal minimum wage.

Going one step step further, future changes should be indexed to the cost of living.  We all deserve this.  This is who we are, and what we believe in.

Please join us by donating today.


John Biggan, Candidate for US House of Representatives, TX-24


Paid for by Biggan for Congress
