This week, we learned that Donald Trump has escalated his inhumane attacks on the immigrant community.

Our movement has identified a group of nonprofits leading the fight to end Trump's violations of the law and human rights, and to support the families he's abused.

The administration's newest policy will deport people receiving lifesaving medical care.

Let's be clear: if the policy boiled down to "you need to go get your medical treatment in another country," that would be a frightening, cruel betrayal of our country's commitment to human dignity.

But this action sinks far lower than that. It's a cold, brutal death sentence: the official policy of the United States toward immigrants whose lives depend on our access to cutting edge treatment is now "We don't care. Go die somewhere else."

We can't be that kind of country. We can't be people who treat human life this way.

The fight starts in the courts and at the border. Chip in now to fuel the organizations on the front lines.

The details are horrific: some of the people Trump is moving to deport actually came to this country to be part of the clinical trials that led to the treatments they're currently receiving. In other words, after learning from sick immigrants how we can save their lives, we're deliberately, consciously refusing to save them.

We've got to stand up, and we've got to do it now. Please donate to fight back against death sentence deportations.

It's hard to consider anything beyond pure evil of denying life-saving treatment to fellow human beings. But it's worth noting two more troubling meanings buried just under the surface.

First, it's a racist attack on modern medicine. Scientists have already weighed in to say that deporting or barring entry for certain people will actually delay or halt development of life-saving treatment. Trump is blocking medical progress in order to institute ever more racist immigration policy,

Second, its rollout typifies this administration's fundamental aversion to truth and transparency. They didn't announce the change. We only learned of the new rules once Trump's Citizenship and Immigration Services department sent people letters ordering them out of the country.

I know that Donald Trump's endless assaults on our values are exhausting, scary, infuriating. I also know that that's part of their intent. That means we've got to push past the fear and confusion and frustration. We have to speak up, loudly, and we need to make sure we're pushing forward with everything we've got. We will win this.

These nonprofits are doing critical work to defend migrant families and to challenge the administration's abuses. Please show them our movement's on their side by donating today.


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