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For Immediate Release:
Contact: Kristine Breithaupt
[email protected]

August 26, 2020


The Mayor’s Fund Collects Over $170,000 for Rental Assistance 

Neighbors Help Neighbors in Need As September Rent Comes Due

NEW ORLEANS, LA --- Forward Together New Orleans, a 501c3 created by Mayor LaToya Cantrell to support New Orleans has collected more than $170,000 in donations for New Orleanians who need rental assistance. As of August 26th, over $70,000 came in from mostly small dollar donations through or by mail, while $100,000 was given by a private donor.

Linda T., a grateful tenant, has voiced her support. "We are in hurricane season and in the midst of a pandemic. Some of us have to move or worse. I've seen some hard times these past few months. I'm so grateful to our city's residents who opened their pocketbooks to help despite the challenges they also face. This is what community is about-- neighbors helping neighbors. We shouldn't be in this situation, and it's through no fault of our own, but together we will come out stronger."

Linda lives with her daughter, who is pregnant and likely to give birth any day now. She was driving for Uber before COVID, and then fell behind on bills when she wasn't able to work. She felt depressed and stuck. This rental assistance program was created to supplement other public rental assistance funds, which helped enormously but were not able to meet the whole need of the community.

Ms. Doris James is a New Orleans senior and donor to the FTNO Fund. She is passionate about fighting homelessness that impacts children. “[Combatting evictions] is a proven, honest, and trustworthy campaign to prevent homelessness for our New Orleans neighbors.” 

Says Mayor LaToya Cantrell, “We lift each other up in New Orleans, just as we always have when crisis strikes. That’s what our people do. I wish this generosity weren’t necessary and I hope that the federal government will step up to support cities. But until then, we will stand together to help keep our residents in their homes.”

Given that the needs far outpace available resources at the local level, the Fund is calling on every New Orleanian who is able, to contribute and help a neighbor out. Assistance to tenants is limited to households facing imminent eviction. Among those, families with children, the elderly and people with disabilities are prioritized. Donations are being accepted at where you can find more information on the Mayor’s Fund, Forward Together New Orleans, a 501c(3). 

Without swift Congressional action, thousands of New Orleanians may soon be evicted and become homeless as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Local governments simply do not have the resources to fill the need. The Cantrell Administration will continue working to identify opportunities for assistance for residents to promote housing stability through this crisis.
Copyright © 2020 Forward Together New Orleans, All rights reserved.

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