It's a really jarring experience to watch super PACs launch false attack after false attack about someone you know personally.

Dan McCready for Congress

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John -

It’s a really jarring experience to watch super PACs launch false attack after false attack about someone you love.

I’ve known Dan since he was 19 years old, and we have stood side by side since the start of this campaign all the way back in May of 2017.

Last year’s campaign was intense, but what we’re seeing in this special election has taken it to a whole new level.

This time the president has personally attacked him on Twitter and at his rally in North Carolina. Never did I imagine that the president of the United States would attack Dan with blatant lies.

Now super PACs are spending millions of dollars on false attack ads against Dan. It’s made it nearly impossible for our family to turn on the TV without seeing some smear ad about my husband.

The picture they try to paint is nothing like the man I know Dan to be. But we’ve been through this before, and we knew what we signed up for when Dan felt the call to serve our country once more.

So I understand that sadly we cannot stop their lies and attacks, but that does not mean that we are powerless. We can stand with him and fight back.

Here’s the thing: Dan has a message that resonates all across the 9th District, and if we make sure as many voters hear his positive message as possible, then he will win in just 10 days. That’s why I am asking you to support his campaign today, John:

Can you make a $3 donation right now to help him fight back? We cannot let Republican super PACs drown out Dan’s positive message.

I’ve watched Dan campaign up close for over two years now, and I know that he’s in this fight to put the people first. I always tell people that Dan is the best person I’ve ever known. He’ll make us proud in Congress, but first, he needs our help to win this special election.

Thank you in advance for your support. It means the world to Dan and me.

- Laura McCready


Paid for by McCready for Congress

Dan McCready is a former member of the United States Marines. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Marines or the Department of Defense. This email was sent to [email protected]. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe. We try to send only the most important information and opportunities to participate via email. To support Dan McCready with a contribution, click here.