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We know you’ve heard it all at this point.
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We know you’ve heard it all at this point.

You know we are falling behind in the polls, you know the dems are continuing to outspend us, and you know this election is vital in determining how we emerge from this pandemic.  

BUT -- what we want to make sure you know is, the ENORMOUS impact your support has on turning the tide of this election. 

It is people like you, John, who make the difference. 

When patriots like you stand up to Chuck Schumer and his cronies for making a mockery of democracy in this election, it makes a difference. When you decide enough is enough, we cannot afford years of the radical liberal agenda breezing through the Senate, it makes a difference.  

You are making a difference.

It’s true, we are seeing some of the most competitive races ever. But if we continue to push forward we know our momentum will not be stopped. Can we count on you to help us see this through to VICTORY in November? 

Chuck Schumer is relying on his deep pocketed liberal friends to give their campaigns the boost they need. The Democrat leadership thinks we can’t see through their phony attempts to discredit conservative leaders.

That is not true! We know their constant attacks are just out of desperation for power and their own self serving agenda.

Thank you for standing up to them in this election, and being a part of OUR success this November.

Give today!

To victory,

Pat Toomey

Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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Orefield, PA 18096