Email from Paula Jean for West Virginia

John -- No matter who our president is next year, we need a good, strong Congress made up of servants for real, everyday Americans. For that to happen, we need to gain control of the U.S. Senate. I’m in this race to make it happen.

After too many years of executive overreach from presidents of both parties, and a meek Senate that’s failed to provide checks and balances, people have had it. They want courageous representatives they can trust, not puppets beholden to corporations, lobbyists, and the party line. This trust isn’t about red or blue - it’s about Us vs. Them. 

Help me win this seat so we can have a Senate Americans can trust.

This race is so crucial, John, because we have the courage to bring REAL change to D.C. If we can elect candidates like myself - an ordinary person running to give the people a voice in the Senate - there’s still hope we can earn the trust of the American people. And though we may not all agree on everything, we all want the same things: representatives who actually represent us and who put the needs of the people first. 

Recent months have shown how much is at stake in the fight for the Senate. 

During a tough year for many Americans, we’ve seen important legislation die on Mitch McConnell’s desk. We’ve seen Senators playing politics with our very lives. I’m here to change all that, but I need you with me to get across the finish line.  

Gaining control of the Senate is priority one. Help me do this.

I’m counting on you.

Paula Jean


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Paula Jean for West Virginia,
PO Box 1688, Sophia, WV, 25921
©2020 Paula Jean for West Virginia, all rights reserved.

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