Thursday, August 13, 2020      


Call our office at 866-849-2536 to schedule a speaker from WFA or WFC for your next event!


AUGUST 18, 2020
Pewaukee, WI (Machine Shed)

AUGUST 20, 2020
Green Bay, WI (Ashwaubenon Pizza Ranch)

AUGUST 25, 2020
Appleton, WI  (Pizza Ranch)

AUGUST 27, 2020
Wausau, WI (City Square Center)

CLICK HERE to register now.
Watch for more information in
next week's newsletter!
AUGUST 18, 2020
SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Jake Jacobs
Author of Mobocracy: This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Learn more and REGISTER HERE today!
34th Annual ECFA Bike & Hike
Adoption/Pregnancy Support Fundraiser
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Waukesha, WI


A project of Wisconsin Family Action.
CLICK HERE to find all you need to know
about voting--endorsements, Voter Guide,
how to register and more!

Responding to the Transgender Issue:
Parent Resource Guide

This resource is fully researched and documented, defines terms,
explains the issue thoroughly and gives parents practical ways
to address the issue with their children and especially in schools.
A free pdf of the publication is available HERE.
Call our WFC office at 888-378-7395 to obtain a print copy for a suggested donation of $5.

It is the mission of Wisconsin Family Action to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and
promoting marriage, family, life and religious freedom. Our vision is a Wisconsin where God is honored, families thrive, human life is cherished
and religious freedom flourishes.

CLICK here to invest in your family, faith, freedom and future!


Because of our desire to serve and help families, our ministry is making resources available that can be useful in creating a wise giving plan.
Click HERE for more information on how you can significantly impact the Kingdom while strengthening and building families.

Wisconsin's Cultural Indicators 2019

Click HERE to read more
Wisconsin's Cultural Indicators, 2019 Edition
is now available online HERE or
by contacting our office
at 608-268-5074.
Get To Know Your Elected Officials

Wisconsin's 2019-2020
Legislative Directory
Now available for download
Click Here to find out who your state and federal legislators are, along with their contact information.

Establish a relationship; let them know you are informed, interested, and involved. PRAY for your elected officials!  (I Tim. 2:1-4)

—Click HERE to view in web browser—

Congratulations to our
WFA PAC Endorsed Candidates

Wisconsin Family Action PAC congratulates the following endorsed candidates for their victories in yesterday's Fall Partisan Primary Election: Scott Fitzgerald – Congressional District 5, Joan Ballweg – Senate District 14, Rachael Cabral-Guevara - Assembly District 55, Robert Brooks – Assembly District 60, Donna Rozar - Assembly District 69. These candidates will now move on to the General Election on November 3. For more election information and to check out our endorsements for the General Election, view your Voter Guide and other vital voting information go HERE to visit Vote Right Wisconsin.

Pregnancy Care Centers Receive More Grant Money
from Sales of "Choose Life" Plates
Are you "licensed" yet?

Choose Life Wisconsin license plates have been available since late October 2017. Currently there are over 1500 of these plates on cars in The Badger State. Sales of the plates have resulted in over $65,000 being distributed to some twenty-five pregnancy care centers that are the front-lines of the pro-life movement. This week, another round of grants will be distributed to nineteen of these life-saving, women-helping organizations. The $32,500 being given out this week brings the total to just under $100,000 in a little over two years.
CLICK HERE to see photos from this week's check presentations by WFC president Julaine Appling.
Wisconsin Family Council and Pro-Life Wisconsin partner to underwrite all the administrative costs of Choose Life Wisconsin, which allows us to give every penny that comes from the sale of the plates to Wisconsin’s incredible pregnancy care centers. For information on how you can get one of these distinctive plates, click HERE or call 888-378-3795.

We have set our goal HIGH because we know you have our back!

As you know, we are asking 300 people across the state of Wisconsin to invest $1000 between now and December so that Wisconsin Family Action has all we need to complete our election work because, as you may already suspect, this type of work is NOT included in our annual budget.

So far we have received numerous generous donations and we are so very grateful. We are well on our way to making our goal! If you haven't already given a donation in support of our work, we invite you to partner with us as part of "Gideon's Army!" Call us at 888-378-7395 or CLICK HERE to make your secure donation TODAY! 
Postcard Writing Parties are 
NOW under way in Wisconsin!
THE GOOD NEWS! Thank you, thank you! To date we've had a GREAT response to our postcard writing opportunity that serves to get out the vote on November 3, General Election day in Wisconsin and encourages Badger State voters to re-elect President Donald Trump.

AND MORE GOOD NEWS! We just got 50,000 more postcards delivered to our office from our awesome printer! Now we need even MORE volunteers to help us get these postcards out across the state to encourage highly targeted conservatives to vote in the November 2020 election.

AND EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS! It won't cost you a DIME! We will supply the postcards, the stamps, the mailing addresses and a small host/hostess gift as a token of our thanks! You supply your family or friends, some handwriting labor (and maybe some coffee, tea and treats!) and have lots of fun all while making a big impact in the upcoming election.

NOTE: Each kit will contain 200 postcards, 200 stamps, a mailing list with names and addresses and brief sample messages to be written on the postcards.

LEARN MORE and sign up to party with us by clicking HERE

Grandparent In Today's Culture
Bridging the Gap
From The Legacy Coalition:
Grandparents are incredibly important to their grandkids.
Grandparents are uniquely positioned to spiritually influence their grandkids.
Grandparents have a Biblical mandate to do so.

Most Christians agree with these statements about grandparents, but so little is being done to challenge and equip this huge group — 30 million strong — of potential influencers. Yes, the grandparenting relationship has incredible potential for discipleship, but it is unrecognized and under-resourced. For example, many churches have a family ministry, which focuses on parenting, but nothing on grandparenting. And grandparenting is too often associated with a seniors ministry, which results in younger grandparents being overlooked and ignored. Resource providers, like speakers, authors, and Christian ministry organizations, largely neglect this audience as well. Finally, Christian grandparents themselves get caught up in a “retirement culture” that pushes them to pursue their own pleasure rather than invest in their grandchildren.

Grandparents, click HERE to learn more about how to unleash your full potential. (Tip: Don't miss out on the awesome video right on the home page!)

Wisconsin Family Action is a strong voice for families in Wisconsin. Click HERE to partner securely with us today!


WEEKLY RADIO COMMENTARY. "WISCONSIN FAMILY CONNECTION" -  Airing this week on over 20 stations statewide. Listen to this week's Wisconsin Family Connection, "Knowing Our History" (originally aired July 22, 2019) HERERead the transcript of this week's commentary HERE. Subscribe to our podcasts HERE! 

Week of August 3, 2020 - "Commit to Action Because All Elections Have Consequences

A daily program for Christian radio stations! Click HERE for our daily program; listen or download! Click HERE to subscribe to your Wisconsin Family Minute podcasts! Find your local station HERE. If the Christian radio station you listen to isn't carrying "Wisconsin Family Minute," please encourage them to do so. Contact us at 866-849-2536 or [email protected]

WFC President Julaine Appling hosts VCY America's "Home Front" program every Wednesday afternoon (Sept.-May) at 3:15 p.m. Home Front is currently on a break for the season. We hope you will tune in when we return on Wednesday, September 9! Click HERE to listen to archived episodes. Click HERE to subscribe to future Home Front podcasts!

Julaine Appling, WFC president, is a regular guest (one Monday per month) on VCY America’s TV 30 "InFocus" live, call-in program with Jim Schneider which airs on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. (Sept. through May). Livestream InFocus HERE. Click HERE to watch archived episodes until September 2020 when we resume our regular programming schedule. The new InFocus season kicks off on Monday, September 14. Julaine will be a guest for this first show of the new season.

Julaine Appling is a regular guest on Q90's "Stand Up for the Truth" program (9-10 a.m., M-F). CLICK HERE to listen to Julaine on last month's (aired July 14) "Stand Up for the Truth" program on Q90fm, hosted by David Fiorazo. Julaine will be a guest again on Tuesday, August 25, 2020. CLICK HERE to listen LIVE!


--WFA's president Julaine Appling is available to speak to your group, church, school, civic organization, and other events. Call 866-849-2536 to schedule.

--Dave Lingle, Wisconsin Family Council's Church Ambassador, is available to speak in churches. Call 920-342-1928 for more information.


Wisconsin Family Action is your voice for marriage, family, life and religious liberty in The Badger State.

Partner with us today!

Wisconsin Family Action
PO Box 7486 • Madison, WI 53707
866-849-2536 •

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