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We cannot afford a Senate run by Chuck Schumer.The truth is very simple.
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We cannot afford a Senate run by Chuck Schumer.

The truth is very simple. Chuck Schumer is working to oust key conservative leaders and flip the Senate in his favor. The Democrat leadership will not rest until every one of their handpicked candidates is elected.

Democrat leadership doesn’t care who they elect so long as they support Chuck Schumer's socialist agenda. 

And with less than 87 days to the election, major polls suggest Democrats are on track to beat us in November.

But -- with support from people like you, John, who actually care about the future of our country, we are going to turn the tide. Will you donate today to help get our momentum going?

Chuck Schumer and the Democrat leadership would love nothing more than to take the majority and have their radical agenda breeze through Congress leaving the American people to drown in debt. 

Join us in fighting the liberal infiltration of Congress and rejecting the radical liberal agenda!

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We need your help to keep our strong conservative leaders in the Senate. With your help, John, we will defeat the dems in November and continue building a better future for Americans.

Thank you,

Team Toomey


Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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