Millions of people are facing pain that Roger Williams, a multi-millionaire who inherited his wealth, could not possibly understand. TX-25 deserves so much better.

Julie Oliver for Congress


Yesterday — while Trump was busy floating the unconstitutional idea to delay the November election — we got the news that the American economy reported its worst performance in modern history.

If you're in touch with the reality on the ground as Julie is, this isn't a surprise. Texans are hurting. Those numbers are reflected in the pain and the stories we've been hearing directly from Texans. And with no end to the pandemic in sight, we badly need Congress to extend the $600 unemployment benefit that has acted as a lifeline for millions of Americans since things appear to be getting worse.

But instead of calling for relief for the millions of struggling Texans who have found themselves without a job, here's what Roger Williams had to say:

"Zero is the number for me...The economy is good."

This is absurd. Millions of people are facing pain that Roger Williams, a multi-millionaire who inherited his wealth, could not possibly understand. TX-25 deserves so much better.

Let's put our anger into action. We need to ensure that Congress is fighting for Texans, and that's why it's so important that we hit our end-of-month goal of $200,000 today. Can you chip in $5 or more now?

Chip IN $5

Julie knows what it’s like to be just one paycheck away from missing rent, to be hungry, to be without a home. Roger Williams should listen to the people in this district who have lost everything, who are facing eviction, whose kids are facing hunger. 

He should explain to the people in Texas who pay his salary and pay for his health insurance why he should get $1-2 million in bailouts for his personal business in Weatherford, but Americans who have lost everything should get 'zero.'

The data and evidence are very clear that the $600 UI boost helps families get by without a disincentive effect. It's popular with small business owners because it helps people have money to spend and keep the economy from collapsing. 

30 million people in this country are about to lose extended unemployment benefits. For Roger Williams to stand idly by while so many of his constituents are at the breaking point is a dereliction of duty — and we're not going to let him get away with it.

Can you chip in any amount ahead of our end-of-month goal at midnight tonight? Beating one of the wealthiest members of Congress won't be easy, but hitting this goal will go a long way toward laying the groundwork for our path to victory.

You'd think with a race as close as ours, Roger Williams would know better. But we're not going to wait for him to learn.

Thanks for chipping in,

Team Julie