We know Roger Williams has a big war chest of his own money and piles of special interest money to count on. He will outspend us. But I’m confident he won't out-work and out-organize this movement.

Julie Oliver for Congress


I've been reflecting a lot on how far we've come as a campaign in recent days and wanted to share some of those thoughts with you. This email is a bit long, but I hope you'll read the whole thing and consider chipping in whatever you can toward our end-of-month goal of $200,000 by midnight tomorrow.

Many folks — from political pundits to even friends — once wrote this district off as unwinnable. They weren't necessarily wrong — TX-25, like many in Texas and across this country, was intentionally shaped and drawn to benefit Republicans, and they know that the psychological effect of such gerrymandered maps is to discourage people from participating. 

So I did what many didn't do before me: I showed up to have a conversation with anyone willing to listen in every corner of the district. The big takeaway? People are tired of labels. And Texas isn't as uniformly tied to one political party as we once thought. 

Texans are compassionate, honest, hard-working, and, most of all, proud. They just want someone willing to work as hard as they do, speak truth to power, and fight for them in Congress. 

And more often than not, they're open to doing things differently if it means we'll all do better. In TX-25, they're not getting that from Roger Williams.

When we garnered the second-highest turnout of any Congressional campaign in Texas during the primary back in March — and for the first time, Democratic turnout exceeded Republican turnout — I knew something special was happening in our district. 

Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and we suspended all in-person organizing. I was worried about our family, the people in the district, our staff — and I couldn't help but worry about what running a 100% virtual campaign would mean for our chances. While digital organizing tools were always a signature piece of our organizing puzzle, we'd been planning to knock on hundreds of thousands of doors to get out the vote.

Much to our surprise, people were fired up as ever — to make phone calls to check in our neighbors and talk to them about the issues they cared about. They started tuning in to virtual town halls. And when they heard Roger Williams had taken a loan from the Payroll Protection Program for his car dealership while so many small businesses in the district were losing everything, we were inundated with support and new volunteers.

Endorsements from progressive champions like Julián Castro, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Beto O’Rourke have helped to boost national visibility on this race. Election forecasters like Rachel Bitecofer, the Cook Political Report, and Sabato's Crystal ball are seeing the writing on the wall and moving this race in our direction. And perhaps the most important of all, recent polling shows that this race is within the margin of error.

I knew this team had what it would take to get us here today. But let's be very clear: endorsements, rating changes, and polls don't vote — people do. 

We know Roger Williams has a big war chest of his own money and piles of special interest money to count on. He will outspend us. But I'm confident he won't out-work and out-organize this movement, which is why I have to ask:

If you can afford it, can you rush a contribution toward our end-of-month goal of $200,000 today? We want you to be a part of this — and with less than 100 days until Election Day, it's critical that we hit every goal.Chip IN $5

Thank you for reading this email, and for believing in me.
