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You are making the difference. Your support has been overwhelming and is going to help us keep the Senate RED this November.
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You are making the difference. Your support has been overwhelming and is going to help us keep the Senate RED this November.

But the fight is just getting started!

We are entering critical times for conservative races across the country. And the Democrats are getting their second wind. Fortunately for us, we know supporters like you never tire of doing what is right for our country.

We are asking all of our supporters to chip in $5 before the End of Month deadline to ensure the Democrats know we are not backing down.

Key Senate races around the country are reporting neck and neck polls. With the majority in the Senate on the line, we are doing everything we can to support our candidates in some of the tightest races we’ve seen in a while. 

That’s why any support you can give just $5, $10, or $15 before the End of Month deadline will go a long way in getting our candidates across the finish line. 

The next several months will entail intense amounts of dark money flowing into our opponents campaigns. We know the media is coordinating attacks on several of our key candidates.

We also know our supporters, like you John, are not scared of these desperate attempts to win votes.

Thank you for your continued support. Let’s win this election and carry on the good work for the American people!

Donate TODAY!

To victory,

Team Toomey


Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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