Voting by Mail Can Protect Our Election

In state after state, in-person voting was a disaster in primaries this Spring and Summer due to the coronavirus with long lines and closed polling places due to staff shortages. In addition voting by mail broke down because of unprecedented increases in volume and slow mail times.


We aim to safeguard the vote in New Hanover County by contacting 20,000 voters by text urging them to vote by mail and do it early. We are telling them that if they apply for a ballot now it will be delivered around September 4th. This will allow them to vote safely. To ensure that they return their ballot promptly, we will text again in September to ask them to mail their ballot early so that it will be received well before Election Day.


Peer to peer texting enables us to reach out to large numbers of voters quickly and inexpensively. The texting will complement our phone banks targeting 18,000 voters, which have been going on for months, and are working. We are persuading people to apply for absentee vote-by-mail ballots. Every person who votes this way now will reduce the lines at the polls in this election. Can you help us with this important work?

Also, if you haven't already apply now for an absentee by mail ballot. To request a ballot, fill out the request form here, then print it out and mail it to the Board of Elections, or call the Board of Elections at (910) 798-7330.
Richard Poole, Chair
New Hanover County Democratic Party


Paid for by the New Hanover County Democratic Party

Mailing Address: 


PO Box 3036

Wilmington, NC 28406 


Office Address:

5041 New Centre Drive

Wilmington, NC 28403

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