Worth Fighting For

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“Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” - Rep. John Lewis

Congressman John Lewis’ passing last Friday was devastating. He was the best of us, a titan of civil rights, and a true hero. We all must commit to fight for racial justice. Take the pledge here.

Read on for the latest from Team Tom, plus resources for you to take action.

  • 📰 The choice is simple for climate voters this November — four more years of Trump and the Republicans setting us back decades on climate, or a Joe Biden administration ready to fight from day one for environmental justice, a green energy economy, and good-paying union jobs. Tom talked to reporters about how far Vice President Biden has come on climate policy. Check out Tom in the news here.
  • 🛒 As co-chair of Governor Newsom’s Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery, Tom is proud to support Calling All Californians: Shop Safe, Shop Local, a month-long effort to support small businesses and local economies. See his favorite spots in San Francisco — plus, if you’re a small business owner in California, check out the helpful resources. Read more here.

Action Toolkit

Worth a Review: Federal agents attacking protestors

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Tom Steyer PAC · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA