John --

By now you know that our grassroots team is hard-at-work on the phones dialing into the district to spread the word about Phil’s experience and vision.

But Phil’s also making calls himself, and we wanted to give you a sneak peak into one of the conversations Phil had with Melinda, a WA-10 voter.

Watch Phil Earn Votes

Take it from us: if Phil could, he would speak directly with every single voter in our district to turn them into supporters of his campaign. But that’s simply not feasible, which is why we need to ask:

With just under two weeks until Election Day, we need to raise another $2,789 to keep our volunteer operation going this week. Can you kick in $3 to keep our phones dialing?

These calls have taken on a new meaning over the last couple of weeks.

As a reminder, several of our opponents are being propped up by out-of-state PACs that are running expensive ads on their behalf as we speak.

Our goal is to cut through the noise and let voters in WA-10 know that they deserve better: They deserve a true champion for their district who isn’t afraid to call out the status quo and politics as usual.

That’s what you're helping us accomplish, and it’s why your support is so crucial.

Thanks in advance for chipping in,

Team Phil

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