California Gun Rights Foundation


This can't be right...

Despite being at a critical juncture in our case against the "Assault Weapons" ban, your name appears to be missing from our list of July contributors to Miller v. Becerra.

This is bad news because in order to take on the tyrants' ban, we need every able-bodied patriot to support our legal action.

And right now, support for this landmark case appears to be waning. Which is why we're reaching out to you.

Can you help lead the fight against the "Assault Weapons" ban by making a contribution tonight?

If you can, please chip in $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can. If you do, you will automatically be entered to win a Tavor X95!

We need to get this 2A case in front of Judge Benitez ASAP, Friend. And your donation will help us do it.

So donate NOW and be entered to win the Tavor!


California Gun Rights Foundation


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