Americans without health insurance should be a thing of the past, and we're showing the way to the future.

Bill de Blasio for President


Putting working people first isn’t always easy, but last night Bill showed a national audience how he’s done it in New York City.

Take health care, where Bill went in the opposite direction of Donald Trump by guaranteeing quality care and a family doctor for any New Yorker who does not have insurance.

Watch Bill share how he’s already implementing affordable health care for all New Yorkers, and contribute $1 to help turn last night’s viewers into today’s supporters.

Watch Bill Explain His Plan For Guaranteeing Health Care For All

Donald Trump has spent his last three years trying to take away health care from millions and millions of Americans. But in New York City, Bill has done something very different: he’s ensured everyone can access the care they need.

Americans without health insurance should be a thing of the past. Watch Bill’s health care clip from the CNN town hall now and support this campaign.

Bill’s right: lacking access to affordable health care in the United States of America ought to be a thing of the past. In New York City, Bill’s showing the country the way to the future — and with your help, the nation will join us.

Thanks for helping to show the way,

Team de Blasio