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Your voice matters, and it’s time to speak out.
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Your voice matters, and it’s time to speak out.

Right now, Democrats are rising in the polls in several key races across the country. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Democrat leadership think they have won. They also think we have completely lost our momentum heading into the heart of this campaign cycle.

Donate $5, $10, or $15 and help us keep the Senate Red this fall. >>>

Well -- it’s time to get the ball rolling! It’s time to remind these radical liberal candidates that elections are won not by endless amounts of money from special-interest and Super PACs, but by the grassroots support of the people.

If you want to show Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi they are wrong about their success this election cycle, then donate today and be a part of the conservative force that will protect our shared values in November.

We are counting on you, John.


Pat Toomey


Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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