Our country is at a crossroads. These elections will have lasting consequences.

Alex Morse for Congress


A few weeks ago I endorsed a fellow Justice Democrat, Alex, because he’s what we mean when we talk about a new generation of leadership.

A new generation of leadership means leading from lived experience, a passion for building change, and the willingness to fight against systems that continue to promote inequity by protecting the powerful. And from the response I’ve seen after my victory in NY-16, it’s clear that our country is ready for a new generation.

Like in my race, Alex is up against one of the biggest corporate Democrats in Congress. But that's not fazing this movement. Because we've proven that collectively, individual small-dollar donors like yourself are incredibly powerful. So, today, I’m asking you to step up and make a contribution so that Alex and his team can keep fighting for a better future. Can you chip in today?

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Our country is at a crossroads, friend. These elections will have lasting consequences. It is time we cause problems for the status quo in Washington, so that we can bring forth the bold solutions our country desperately needs.

Alex will fight Medicare for All. He will fight for a Green New Deal. And he will champion progressive priorities like student loan reform, immigrant rights, and affordable housing so that all of us have the opportunity to thrive.

I look forward to working with him in Congress. So, with less than 7 weeks left, I’m asking you today to help get him there. Can you make a contribution right now to power Alex’s movement for a people-powered democracy?

Together we will build a better future.

Thank you for being with us in this movement,




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Our campaign has suspended all in-person activity to ensure the safety of our team, volunteers, and community members. We are relying on contributions from emails like these to continue supporting our progressive movement. If you can afford to give, please donate here.