Because This Is America!

Weekly News, Updates, and Events

We As Democrats Believe:

"I think the first duty of society is justice."

-- Alexander Hamilton

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Wilmington Seeks Your Input on Clean Energy Goals
The City of Wilmington formed a Mayor’s Ad Hoc Clean Energy Task Force to develop a roadmap for the City to implement strategies and policies towards a Clean Energy goal. As part of that effort the Task Force is conducting an online survey to get the public's perspectives on policies and programs the city should prioritize to make Wilmington a cleaner energy community.
The survey asks whether citizens support an effort to transition city government operations from fossil fuels to renewable sources such as wind, solar and tidal power. It also asks if nuclear energy should be considered "clean energy." You will be asked to state how much you agree or disagree with statements such as "I am concerned about the effects of climate change on the City of Wilmington."
To take the survey, click here. For more information on the Clean Energy Task Force, click here.  
Republican Legislators Fail Six Times to Override Cooper Vetoes
Democratic successes in the 2018 elections in North Carolina continue to pay benefits. The increases in Democratic office holders in the state's House and Senate that year broke the Republican super majority in the legislature that previously had allowed Republicans to ram through laws without fear of a veto by Gov. Roy Cooper. Cooper now has enough votes to sustain his vetoes, and his Democratic legislative allies have beaten back 25 attempts to override his vetoes since 2018. Not a single veto has been overturned since the Republican super majority was broken, according to WECT News.
But the Republicans keep trying. Last week they tried to force through six new pieces of legislation that Cooper had vetoed. Sustaining the  six vetoes protected important gun safety measures, laws to protect our most vulnerable citizens, and prevented re-opening of dangerous gatherings which would accelerate the spread of COVID-19.
North Carolina House Democratic Leader Darren Jackson released the following statement: “[This week’s] developments underline just how critical Democratic legislative victories were in 2018. Especially in this moment of crisis, our state needs measured, steady leadership, not the toxic agenda voters rejected when they broke the Republican supermajority two years ago. House Democrats will stand strong against Republican efforts to ram through dangerous, ideological legislation that puts the public at risk.” 

Despite Pandemic Recession, Democratic Fundraising Reaches New Heights

(From NCDP) Despite the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, Democratic candidates in North Carolina are reporting record fundraising hauls as we head into the final months before the election. Fueled by a people-powered grassroots movement, Democrats up and down the ballot will usher in desperately needed change from the White House to the State House to the Register of Deeds.
Senate candidate Cal Cunningham raised $7.4 million in the second quarter of 2020, bringing his campaign’s fundraising total to just over $15 million. His total is the largest single-quarter haul of any Senate candidate in North Carolina’s history. 
In addition, Governor Cooper raised $5.5 million in the second quarter, bringing his cash on hand total to almost $14 million in his race for re-election. This year, both the North Carolina Senate and House Democratic Caucuses have already raised more than $1 million, shattering records for Caucus fundraising.
This impressive fundraising is backed up by polling indicating that North Carolinians are itching to turn NC blue. In North Carolina, turnout increased from more than 1.1 million in 2016 to more than 1.3 million in 2020. Democrats across the state, and country, are coming together to turn North Carolina blue this November.

New Hanover Dems Seek Social Media Amplifiers and Phone Bank Volunteers

NHCDP is seeking volunteers to help spread democratic messages on social media.  We have been promoting a #MarchtotheMailbox  program on Social Media to promote voting by mail, and realized that we need to work harder to push out Democratic messages on increasingly diverse Social Media. We expect messages to include volunteer recruitment, issues, candidate materials and get out the vote among others. As a Social Media Amplifier you should expect to be asked to post several times a week on the Social Media platforms that  are familiar with. We are especially interested in extending our message beyond Facebook and Twitter where we are already active and to non-native English speakers.  To sign up as a Social Media Amplifier click here.
Also, we still need volunteers to complete calls by August to get voters signed up for absentee ballots. To volunteer, email Susanne Werner, [email protected], or Joanne Durham, [email protected] to get connected to this critical effort.

Combined Campaign Merges With Biden Campaign

The Biden Campaign has now officially merged with the Combined Campaign, and will henceforth be referred to as the Combined Campaign. We can expect the Combined Campaign will conduct all of the activities usually done by a Presidential campaign, with an added emphasis on supporting down ballot candidates.
​The Combined Campaign now has four field organizers active in our county, pictured left. If you haven't already, you will be hearing from Manning, Savannah, Surrayyah and Abagail soon.

Nick Rhodes Appointed to Airport Authority

Nick Rhodes, a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who spent his Air Force career in logistics and aircraft maintenance, and subsequently was a logistics consultant at Price Waterhouse Coopers, was appointed Thursday to the Airport Authority, which runs the Wilmington Airport. Nick holds an MBA and a Masters degree in Education.  He joins the Authority at a challenging time, with ridership down and an expansion project underway, so I'm sure the Authority will value his experience. Congratulations Nick!

Combined Campaign Dialing for Democrats -- Daily through July 21



When: Daily, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Where: Call from your home


The Combined Campaign invites you to drop in to a Zoom phonebank party from a comfy chair at home between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. to call voters in the 7th Congressional District. To sign up, click here.




Board of Elections Meeting -- July 14


When:Tuesday, July 14, 4:30 p.m.

Where: Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 34 or by teleconference


The New Hanover County Board of Elections will be meeting to take action on the 2020 Statewide General Election Absentee One-Stop Voting Plan and discuss other election-related matters. Those who wish to participate in the meeting via teleconference can do so by dialing 1-415-655-0003 and when prompted enter 284 184 094, then the pound sign (#). You can view the Agenda here, and view the One-Stop Plan here.


Happy Hour and Conversation with County Commission Candidates  -- July 22


When: Wednesday, July 22, 6:30 p.m.

Where: Zoom 

New Hanover County Democrats will join Precinct M04 in an online zoom video conference with the Democratic County Commission candidates on July 22. Meet Jonathan Barfield, Leslie Cohen and Kyle Horton. After social time and greetings, moderator Sue Hayes will introduce the candidates allowing each a period of 10 to 15 minutes to speak on their own behalf or to respond to questions. 
To join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 829 2331 5390
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82923315390# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,82923315390# US (Chicago)


An Evening with John Pavlovitch to Support Marcia Morgan  -- July 23


When: Thursday, July 23,7:00 p.m., Sponsor reception at 6:45 p.m.

Where: Zoom 

Free Online Event: Marcia Morgan, who is running again for North Carolina House District 19, invites the public for an online evening with John Pavlovitz, a writer, pastor and activist from Wake Forest, North Carolina. In the past four years, John's blog Stuff That Needs To Be Said has reached a diverse worldwide audience. A 20-year veteran in the trenches of local church ministry, John is committed to equality, diversity, and justice—both inside and outside faith communities. He is the author of five books: A Year in the Grief Valley, Stuff that Needs to be Said, A Bigger Table, Hope and Other Superpowers and Low: An Honest Advent Devotional.
Sponsor reception begins at 6:45 p.m.; main event begins at 7:00 p.m.  Register or sign up to sponsor this event at



Richard Poole, Chair

News Content by James Cummings


If you have any announcements, comments, questions or concerns regarding this email series, please contact the Editor here.

Paid for by the New Hanover County Democratic Party

Mailing Address: 


PO Box 3036

Wilmington, NC 28406 


Office Address:

5041 New Centre Drive

Wilmington, NC 28403

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