
Take Iraq. Justified as a preventive war, it embroiled us in its expanding conflict into Syria, Africa and beyond as it created the more brutal terror of ISIS. Democrats and Republicans alike who voted for that war did not understand either the complexities of the world, or that militaries can stop a problem, but they can never fix a problem.


Then the same political leaders dismantled the safeguards of the one place in America where a wall is definitely needed — to keep greed out, and accountability in -- but the politicians tore that wall down also, and so the inaptly named Wall Street was left unfettered to shatter our economy and with it, millions of Americans’ lives, in the Great Recession.

And no one, not one political leader, has ever answered for themselves to be accountable for the carnage of either that great recession … or that tragic war. But 450 of those Senators and congressmen have become lobbyists … as their revenue increased 400% during the last twenty years — while the income of working families has been flat-lined.  I know, I received but turned down such offers.


JoeIt is this unaccountable leadership that is responsible for the lack of trust in America today … and why Mr. Trump is not the problem; he is the symptom of the problem that has undermined our sense of national unity, of whom we are and what we stand for a system that people see as not fair and accountable to them.

We have no choice … it is not enough just to win this Presidential election, we must also heal our nation’s soul with a leader who is trusted by the people because he is willing to be accountable to them -- above self, above party, above any special interest … no matter the cost to him.

This is the singular reason I am running -- we cannot meet the defining challenges of our time without an America that is united under such a President.

If you want a President that is accountable only to the American people, please contribute and support me.  Thank you!


Joe Sestak

Come on board.  We encourage you to visit our website
and get involved in these challenging and wonderful times.

  Paid for by Joe Sestak for President.

Joe Sestak for President
P.O Box 17246
Alexandria, VA 22302
United States