
The massive property tax hike initiative placed on California’s November ballot by the politicians finally has been assigned a number: Prop 15.

We are now officially the “NO on PROP 15” campaign!

Prop 15 increases YOUR cost-of-living dramatically by gutting the all-important Prop 13 from 1978. If it passes, Prop 15 will increase our taxes by $14 billion a year!

Now that we have the number assigned, we will be printing up lawn signs, window signs, bumper stickers and distributing social media links with the logo on it.

Our campaign has to raise funds to fight Prop 15 each week and we MUST stay on pace. Can you contribute anything today?

Contribute Securely: No on Prop 15 - Stop the Tax Hike

Do whatever you can today!


Carl DeMaio
Reform California / No on Prop 15